Weight Loss



Personalised Consultants
Initial Consultation

Your weight loss journey starts with a ONE HOUR FREE consultation.
During this time we discuss;

  • Weight/Health history
  • Past weight loss attempts
  • Changes in Hormone activity
  • Eating habits
  • Lifestyle
  • Activity levels
  • Medication that may be affecting your weight
  • Discussion of pathology requirements
  • Eating out
  • Meal planning
  • Food intolerances and Allergies
  • How the Inuovi Body Program works
  • Goal setting
  • Time on the program
  • Weigh In
  • Measurements
  • Photos
  • Maintenance
  • Costs involved

Subsequent Consultations:

Weekly Consultations:

  • Activity levels
  • Meal planning
  • Weigh In
  • Overcoming Challenges
  • Eating out
  • Measurements


Why the blood test?

At Inuovi Body Studio after analysing the detailed questionnaire you have answered as well as weekly observations of our program for you, we may request that you undertake a comprehensive blood test.

Based on these results we are then better equipped to tailor the program for a faster and better result. And importantly we are able to rule out any elements that may be hindering your progress.

Our experience has shown us that the reasons for weight gain and the subsequent difficulty of shedding it is not always related to how much you eat, or how much you exercise.
Many factors such as Age , stress , medication , hormone and amino acid imbalance can all play a part in the cycle.

Your blood test results will answer these questions for you and provide a medical basis for your program.


Fat Cavitation

Fat Cavitation is a term used to describe Ultrasonic contouring treatment. It reduces fat and cellulite by using ultrasound and radio frequency technology. It delivers outstanding body contouring and skin tightening results.
Cavitation is a biological phenomenon that consists of the formation of pockets of steam within the membrane of the fat cells and allows the fat to be filtered out through the body's own natural filtration system.

How does the treatment work?
During the treatment the therapist will slowly rotate the hand piece over the targeted areas transmitting radio waves through the upper layers of the skin to the dermis heating between 39 and 45 degrees without burning the skins surface.
Your fat literally cannot take this heat and after treatment up to 25% of the cells in the area die off. Your body then naturally gets rid of these dead cells as waste over the next 6-8 weeks leaving you noticeably trimmer and reducing fat bulges.
No extensive PRE or POST treatment or care is needed - you can come during your lunch break and go back to work as usual.

What happens during the treatment?
Ultrasonic frequency is used to heat skin and tissue in treatment areas approximately ½ to ¼ inch deep below the skin - just deep enough to heat the unwanted fat to about 45 degrees Celsius.
This process causes 3 things to occur.
Tissue regeneration: The generated heat causes local contraction of the collagen fibres to immediately tighten the skin.
New Collagen formation: By heating the dermis new collagen production is stimulated. This tightening effect is delayed and may take up to 1-3 months to be visible.
Improved Circulation: Radio Frequency will also improve the blood and lymphatic flow. This helps with better oxygen supply and greater toxin clearance to further rid the body of fat build up and cellulite.

Who can benefit from the treatment?

  • Usually people with a lower BMI than 30 are most suitable
  • People who have stubborn fat in areas that normal diet and exercise is unable to shift
  • People who have modest amounts of unwanted fat on the upper arms, inner thighs, abdomen, chin or elsewhere. This treatment offers a 100% non-invasive alternative to other more invasive treatments.

Who cannot be treated with fat Cavitation?

  • Those who are pregnant
  • Those with Cardiac pacemakers or internal defibrillators
  • Those with malignant implants in the target area
  • Those with metallic implants in the target area or any kind including joint replacements


  • Removal of fat and Cellulite reduction
  • Skin tightening
  • Body Sculpting and Contouring
  • Smoothing of scars and wrinkles


  • Can be used on all skin types
  • Treatment time depends on areas treated but typically treatment takes between 15mins to 1 hour per treatment area.
  • Typically 3 treatments per area are needed depending on the location. Individual assessment is made during the initial consultation.
  • Energy delivered by the FC treatment triggers the body's immune system to break down fat cells in treated areas.

Can I return to normal activities after my treatment?
The procedure is non-invasive so you can return to normal straight after the treatment. Typically there is no downtime to the treatment.

Is it safe?
The treatment is designed to be safe and comfortable.


Cosmetic Weight loss Injections

How effective are Weight loss Injections?
Multi country trials have revealed the patient satisfaction rating to be a whopping 93%! This means proven results. The average circumference reduction is 2 to 6 cm, depending upon the area treated. Results from the Network study revealed the following average centimeter reductions per treatment by body area - lower belly 6.2, upper belly 5.9, love handles 4.2, saddlebags 3.5, upper thigh 3.0 & knee 2.6. We have performed many thousands of treatments.

Who is suitable?
PHOS is a safe & affordable body shaping method, suitable for many, many people - and consistently helps people of all shapes and sizes. It is ideally suited to people who have problem fatty areas and would also like to lose weight. It is also ideally suited to those with lean figures desiring refinement of one or more problem areas. It provides satisfaction without having to undergo a more invasive liposuction procedure and is often used to improve post liposuction irregularities. Indeed, liposuction is not suitable for as many people because it tends to exacerbate skin laxity, whereas PHOS tends to improve skin laxity. The only people who are not suitable for PHOS are people suffering from anorexia nervosa and the extremely overweight who have a medical or psychological impediment to their weight loss.

Is it safe?
PHOS has safely treated hundreds of thousands of people. The reason why it is so effective is not due to any toxic chemicals as the components that form PHOS are totally natural and already exist within your body. PHOS is so effective because the precise placement of these concentrated natural substances into the fatty tissues simply dissolves and destroys fat cells. The whole process is similar to a sugar cube being slowly dissolved when simple water is added to it! Here is how it works.PHOS major ingredient Phosphatidylcholine (PC), known as lecithin, is a natural product derived from soy that is used orally for many medical reasons. PC has been used intravenously for many years to remove fat blocking the circulatory system and to protect the liver during severe liver illness. Now it improves far more figures than it saves lives. PC is already in your body and is found in abundance in your fat cell membranes. When injected into your fatty tissues the PC concentration destabilizes the PC membranes of some of your fat cell membranes, resulting in cell destruction and the release of their fatty contents into the fatty tissue. Another natural component within PHOS, Deoxycholate (DC) dissolves the fatty contents into a "milky" emulsion. Your body's scavenging cells slowly remove this milky emulsion over the next 2-3 months in the same way that they also remove a bruise. The removed fat is partly eliminated from your body via the intestines but it doesn't cause any discomfort, nausea or diarrhoea. It is also partly used as preferential source of fuel for your body. This means that it forces your body to burn and utilize your unwanted fat. In our experience the people who obtain the maximum treatment results are always those who simultaneously take advantage of this period and diet. This appears to amplify the improvements.

How is it administered?
First we decide which of your fat we are going to treat, weigh you, and then measure and record the thickness of your fatty tissue . For most people we then inject the solution directly into the fatty tissues using microfine needles, similar to acupuncture needles. Injections take around 10 to 15 minutes and are easily tolerated. We have treated thousands of patients and have NEVER had anyone who has not had their treatment completed. There can be some mild injection discomfort, redness or itchiness, though these soon pass. It is safe & easy! Unlike liposuction - no special pressure garments need to be worn.
Treated areas can become slightly tender and swollen for a few days, as your body prepares to remove your dissolved fat. The amount of swelling varies between patients in the same way that people respond differently to a mosquito bite, but it is never serious. The swelling is only noticeable to others on exposed areas such as the face and upper arms. The treated area feels similar to mild sunburn and is easily controlled with simple analgesics or Solarcaine spray though these are seldom required.

How much weight can I lose?
Patients often report that dieting is far, far easier after PHOS and this is consistently associated with substantial weight loss. The exact mechanism behind this is not known but the decreased hunger is not associated with any ill effects such as nausea. The effects of PHOS are far, far greater for those who simultaneously improve their lifestyles during the 2 - 3 month fat dissolving period. The greater achievers are always those who conscientiously improve their diets, especially whilst they are enjoying the period of decreased hunger. Apart from lean people who are simply using PHOS to remove an annoying fatty lump or two, we encourage all patients to actively diet. We feel so strongly about this that we urge patients to only consider Weight loss Injections when they are at a stage in their lives when they can dedicate some time and effort towards themselves. We help our patients with food selection but put simply, generally avoid high calorie foods such as 'junk foods' which contain excessive fats and carbohydrates. Choose instead healthier options such as non-starchy vegetables together with lean protein sources. Weight loss from one treatment is usually 2 to 5 kg, although motivated patients often achieve far, far more. It is important to limit calorie consumption during this time so that maximal fat burning can occur. It is also important to not think of PHOS as a magic wand! The people who achieve the best results are always those who are ready to make a concerted effort to improve their lifestyles. For these people PHOS frequently has dramatic results. Imagine having the ability to not only lose weight but to lose it from those problem areas that you just can't budge! Think of Weight loss injections not only as weight loss aid but as a unique treatment that forces fat loss from areas that you choose! The number of treatments required varies for each individual and the degree of improvement that is desired. Worldwide studies have shown that one third of patients achieve satisfaction with just one treatment, one third require two and one third require more. So, the majority of people are satisfied with the results obtained with just one or two treatments. We provide patients with our herbal oral supplement that we have found to be a powerful tool to assist us in achieving your weight loss goal. We guarantee that if you follow our treatment program - you will achieve results. Our treatment plan has inbuilt time specific objectives and if you are not achieving certain benchmarks additional strategies can be commenced. As doctors we can then prescribe many other therapeutic options to ensure you reach your full potential. Another reason we can be so sure of ourselves is that we work with an extensive network of fitness consultants, dieticians, physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, psychologists, personal trainers, weight loss consultants …etc. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to achieve yours!

When will I notice results?
Within 2 weeks the treated areas slowly begin to soften, any minor bruising resolves and the fatty tissue thickness gradually begins to reduce. At this point you might have noticed a loss in body weight if you have been decreasing your calorie consumption but your contours will not have improved at this stage. Most people begin to notice contour improvement around the 4th week. The maximum fat loss occurs between the 4th and 8th week, and this is when the maximum changes in contours are noted. As it takes your body up to 12 weeks to fully remove the dissolved fat, permanent improvements continue to occur up to this time. Slight lumpiness due to the body preparing the fat cell contents for elimination can sometimes be felt (but not seen) in the treated areas during the first 10 weeks. PHOS offers a very gentle and simple solution to permanently improve unwanted fatty deposits - forever!

Who should not have PHOS?
PHOS is not recommended for children, pregnancy, breast feeding or if you suffer from (active - cancer, HIV AIDS, Hepatitis B or C) or a severe end stage metabolic disease.

What are the side effects?
Side effects include - mild bruising, itching, swelling and tenderness. Swelling is usually very minor but can rarely be of concern if your wardrobe only contains tight, figure hugging clothes!!! Any swelling that does occur usually resolves over the first few days, Aside from mild swelling and bruising there is virtually no 'down time' so you can return directly to your work and social life.

What areas can be treated?
Any area of the body from the knee up can be treated. The commonest treated areas are - abdomen, thighs, hips, saddle bags, love handles, flanks, buttock, arms, neck, jowls and lower third of face. Post PHOS local collagen production causes the skin and tissues to contract after treatment; unlike liposuction where they tend to sag. It can even help cellulite and stretch marks.

How much does it cost?
PHOS is a fraction of the cost of liposuction. The cost of a treatment is usually $200 . This means for many people we can cover most, if not all of a person's problem areas in a single treatment. This is true for those within 5 kilos or so, of their ideal weight. For those who are heavier than this, the number of areas that we can treat goes down as the thickness of fat being treated increases.. Our initial consultation is free and of course obligation free. If you are unsure, simply schedule an appointment with our doctor, so we can discuss treatment options for your particular body shape, fat thickness and desired We can then give you realistic time frames and the anticipated costs involved in achieving your objectives. After your consultation you can chose to be treated straight away,

What happens at the initial consultation?
We realize that some of our patients will be nervous and apprehensive about the thought of showing their unwanted fat to a clinician who they have only just met for the first time. Please don't worry. You are in good hands. Our experienced Clinical Nurse Specialist have performed literally hundreds of thousands of examinations over more than 25 years of practice. We pride ourselves on our levels of professionalism, understanding and patient care. We choose not to undress our patients wherever possible. So please wear clothes that can be conveniently loosened to permit easy examination and treatment. During the consultation we will - answer your questions, discuss your particular needs, develop realistic expectations and formulate a treatment plan. If you then decide to proceed with treatment we will then document your weight, circumferences and skin fold thicknesses, and then apply the numbing cream, which usually takes around 5 to 10 minutes.

Do I have to undress during treatment?
No. All we need to do is to expose the areas that require treatment. Many patients who tend to be shy or self-conscious merely select appropriate clothing for their treatment. For example you can wear a dress or skirt if you are having your legs or bottom treated. Or if you are having your tummy or back treated, you can wear a top and skirt, jeans or pants.

What are the differences between PHOS and Liposuction?
PHOS- Safe, no general or sedational anaesthetic is required.- Minimal pain during and after procedure.- Short recovery time.- Rapid return to normal activities.- Ability to precisely control fat removal. No unevenness- Minimal bleeding and bruising.- Microfine needle. No stitches.- Office procedure, no operation, no hospital.- Lower cost. - No permanent ill effects reported.- Extremely rare cases of infection and no reports of bleeding or death. - Future weight gain evenly distributed evenly without 'bumps' or waves- No structural damage or irregularities have been reported with PHOS.
Liposuction- Not as safe. General or sedational anaesthetic required.- Significant post procedural pain and discomfort.- Prolonged recovery time.- Significant recovery period required away from work and play.- No ability to precisely control fat removal leading to unevenness.- Considerable bruising and bleeding.- Puncture points leaving scars and often requiring stitches.- Operation, Hospital.- Higher cost. - Can cause permanent damage to fat cells and nerves.- Has caused infections and bleeding, leading to death. - Future weight gain often uneven leading to bumps and waves- Permanent damage can occur causing cellulite, saggy skin, skin irregularity or lumpiness of the skin.

Can I keep on exercising after having PHOS?
You can exercise straight away after having your PHOS treatment. Extreme sports that wobbles or hits your treated fat will be uncomfortable as your treated fat will be tender for up to a few days. This can be lessened by wearing tight garments such as bike pants, leotards or skins. It is a good idea to swap high impact exercises with low impact exercises for a few days, until any treated fat tenderness subsides. For example, delay high impact contact sports such as martial arts, boxing, football or basketball for a few days until any tenderness subsides. If you are unable to postpone such activities also realize that although you might feel a bit sore, you won't be damaging your treatment in any way.
Can I still have PHOS if I have fake tan or tattoos on my skin?
We cleanse the skin with an alcohol based cleanser before treatment. Our injections deliver the product into the fatty layer and so it is irrelevant whether you have fake tan or tattoos. One slight complication is that when PHOS comes into contact with fake tan it removes it, so you will need to have your tan reapplied after your treatment.

Can I have PHOS if I am taking medication?
Yes as it doesn't react with medications. Please, however, tell us what medications you are taking as certain medications might interfere with some of our other weight loss preparations or local anaesthetics.

Can I go back to work after the procedure?
Most people return to either their work or social life immediately after having. No special precautions are required.

How does PHOS differ from Mesotherapy?
PHOS and Mesotherapy are often confused. The major difference is that PHOS is the treatment of the body's fat layer with PCDC to permanently dissolve away fat cells, whereas Mesotherapy is the treatment of the hypodermis with various, pharmaceuticals and vitamins, usually to improve the overlying skin.

Is PHOS permanent? Will the fat ever come back?
PHOS permanently destroys and removes some of your unwanted fat cells. Once they have been destroyed they can never come back. And as we do not grow or develop new fat cells after puberty, the results are permanent.

If I put on weight will the fat go to other areas?
The aim of PHOS is to permanently remove fat cells from areas of your body where you have excessive fat cells, compared to the rest of your body. The goal is to have a more even fatty layer, rather than a disproportional one. Once this is achieved, if you gain weight then you will gain it more evenly than you did previously.

Does it hurt?
As the only way to administer PHOS is via microfine injections through the skin, there does entail some pain or discomfort.. We have treated many thousands of people without any numbing cream whatsoever.

Where does PHOS come from? How is it made?
PHOS's major active component is derived from soy. Local anaesthetic is added to decrease treatment discomfort and a small amount of adrenaline is added to minimise bruising. Our PHOS main active ingredient, phosphatidyl choline is prepared here in Australia under strictly sterile nitrogen chamber conditions by a registered compounding pharmacy. This way we are assured of the strength, quality and safety of our product. Our manufacturer is the largest supplier of phosphatidyl choline in Australia.

Can I do anything to minimize any side effects?
Yes. Firstly it is important to relax and realize that you are having a treatment that hundreds of thousands of patients have successfully undergone, without any drama! It is a good idea not to starve yourself on the day of your procedure and to be well hydrated with water. After treatment drink plenty of water. If you feel any discomfort you can spray the area with some solarcaine spray, or alternatively take paracetamol or voltaren. If any local swelling were to develop, this can be controlled with application of cold compresses.

Can I have PHOS if I am pregnant or breast feeding?
Even though the preparation is natural and safe, we don't provide any cosmetic treatments to pregnant or breast feeding women. On the other hand, there is no problem if you fall pregnant any time after having Lipodissolve.