


Anti-ageing Treatments

Treatments such as modern dermal fillers and wrinkle reduction are examples of anti -ageing procedures we offer in our rooms. They can produce quite profound and satisfying improvements in appearance. We have a trained Cosmetic physician that conducts the treatments in our rooms on a 6 week basis.
Appointments are necessary



Lips - Lip enhancement includes increase lip volume, creating a pout, stronger border around lips and cupids bow. Also used for the removal of vertical lines or wrinkles in the corners of mouths.(Mouth frown)
Fill in naso-labial grooves - Lines found between the nose and mouth
Forehead lines - Wrinkles or lines on forehead either caused by age or strong facial expressions
Mental Crease - Crease in the chin
Brow Droop - Sagging eyebrows
Crows feet - Lines or wrinkles at the side/corner of eyes
Tear Troughs - The ‘gully’ beneath the lower eyelid
Neck Lines - Lines & wrinkles on the neck


Anti-wrinkle injections

These muscle relaxing injections have been used successfully and extensively world wide for a number of years. They reduce the winkles and grooves caused by the muscles of facial expression giving a more youthful appearance In Australia we are not allowed to name the substance or brands of that substance that are used to reduce wrinkles. Although used worldwide for this cosmetic purpose, the Therapeutic Drug Administration in Australia forbids their use in advertising for cosmetic purposes and will only sanctions there use for certain types of muscle spasm.It temporarily relaxes those facial muscles that cause dynamic wrinkles, thus producing a younger and less tense appearance.

Q. Is it safe?
It has been used in tens of thousands of people worldwide with no major or permanent complications reported to date. .

Q. How long does it last?
Usually 3-4 months. In some people it lasts longer. I have known it to last as long as 8 months, but this is unusual. It is also unusual for a person not to obtain an adequate response.

Q. What are possible side effects?
Minor bruising is not uncommon, occurring about 1 in 10 people. When the muscles causing the vertical lines between the eyebrows are injected, the patient is advised to not touch the area for 4 hours afterwards, since this can cause a temporary partial droopiness of the eyelid. Should this occur eye drops are used that will elevate the eyelid until the effect of the injection wears off naturally. (Usually within a matter of 3 weeks).