Body Therapy



Cellu Pro - slim and go treatments

Combining 'Palper Rouler' technology with an exclusive manual technique, this anti-cellulite machine offers a new, effective and sensory slimming experience to firm skin and smooth the three stages of cellulite. Can be used alone or combined with an existing Thalgo slimming treatment. Thalgo has introduced an anti-cellulite machine for slimming treatments.

The Cellulift.Pro machine is used in Thalgo's new an anti-cellulite Slim and Go treatments. The machine uses palper rouler lipo-stimulation techniques designed to smooth, reshape, and firm specific areas of the body.

Three levels of intensity are available, depending on the amount of cellulite the client has. The machine comes with three attachments, allowing therapists to tailor each treatment to the client, including knees, ankles, and face.

The head of the Cellulift.Pro machine gently takes hold of the skin and evenly rolls it, gliding over the body, without the need for a body stocking. It also has a pedal function that prevents tension in the therapists' hands and an automatic mode.

The Slim and Go treatment complements Thalgo's targeted slimming products, LC24 Thalgomince Solution and the Sculpting Cream with Algae, along with Thalgo's Ocea Draine supplements, to eliminate toxins. Slim and Go can be performed within 40 minutes and a course of ten is recommended.


Body Wraps

Do you ever get that feeling some days that your clothes just don’t fit as well as they used to? Or you are just having a… blah day? We have them as well, which is Slimming Body Wraps can kickstart your weight loss efforts .. With marine based active ingredients our body wraps, give you correction of will get just that, with some added benefits including complete relaxation, skin treatment and detoxification. Having a Body Wrap is a great experience that leaves you relaxed, refreshed and with great results. Weight loss body wraps are more than water loss wraps, They are specifically designed to:

  • Increase circulation
  • Oxygenate the tissue
  • Reactivate cell respiration by promoting a supply of oxygen to stimulate cellular energy
  • Provides intense tissue oxigenation
  • Boost s the penetration of active ingredients applied afterwards
  • Corrects fat storage

What to expect: The body wrap is administered in a relaxing private treatment room. Your therapist will apply the product to the desired body parts and then wrap you with a heat blanket that increases the penetration of the active ingredients in the skin. This is a warm wrap and the heat gets more intense with each minute. After 30mins It is then removed
Full Body $ 160
Half Body $110


Fat Cavitation

Fat Cavitation is a term used to describe Ultrasonic contouring treatment. It reduces fat and cellulite by using ultrasound and radio frequency technology. It delivers outstanding body contouring and skin tightening results.
Cavitation is a biological phenomenon that consists of the formation of pockets of steam within the membrane of the fat cells and allows the fat to be filtered out through the body's own natural filtration system.

How does the treatment work?
During the treatment the therapist will slowly rotate the hand piece over the targeted areas transmitting radio waves through the upper layers of the skin to the dermis heating between 39 and 45 degrees without burning the skins surface.
Your fat literally cannot take this heat and after treatment up to 25% of the cells in the area die off. Your body then naturally gets rid of these dead cells as waste over the next 6-8 weeks leaving you noticeably trimmer and reducing fat bulges.
No extensive PRE or POST treatment or care is needed - you can come during your lunch break and go back to work as usual.

What happens during the treatment?
Ultrasonic frequency is used to heat skin and tissue in treatment areas approximately ½ to ¼ inch deep below the skin - just deep enough to heat the unwanted fat to about 45 degrees Celsius.
This process causes 3 things to occur.
Tissue regeneration: The generated heat causes local contraction of the collagen fibres to immediately tighten the skin.
New Collagen formation: By heating the dermis new collagen production is stimulated. This tightening effect is delayed and may take up to 1-3 months to be visible.
Improved Circulation: Radio Frequency will also improve the blood and lymphatic flow. This helps with better oxygen supply and greater toxin clearance to further rid the body of fat build up and cellulite.

Who can benefit from the treatment?

  • Usually people with a lower BMI than 30 are most suitable
  • People who have stubborn fat in areas that normal diet and exercise is unable to shift
  • People who have modest amounts of unwanted fat on the upper arms, inner thighs, abdomen, chin or elsewhere. This treatment offers a 100% non-invasive alternative to other more invasive treatments.

Who cannot be treated with fat Cavitation?

  • Those who are pregnant
  • Those with Cardiac pacemakers or internal defibrillators
  • Those with malignant implants in the target area
  • Those with metallic implants in the target area or any kind including joint replacements


  • Removal of fat and Cellulite reduction
  • Skin tightening
  • Body Sculpting and Contouring
  • Smoothing of scars and wrinkles


  • Can be used on all skin types
  • Treatment time depends on areas treated but typically treatment takes between 15mins to 1 hour per treatment area.
  • Typically 3 treatments per area are needed depending on the location. Individual assessment is made during the initial consultation.
  • Energy delivered by the FC treatment triggers the body's immune system to break down fat cells in treated areas.

Can I return to normal activities after my treatment?
The procedure is non-invasive so you can return to normal straight after the treatment. Typically there is no downtime to the treatment.

Is it safe?
The treatment is designed to be safe and comfortable.


Treatment Packages

Silhouette Refining /Cellulite Reduction:
Pack 1: 6 x Visits (over 12 Weeks)

  • Consultation and assessment
  • Series of Cosmetic Weight loss Injections
  • Massage of the treated areas/cellulite wrap
  • Compression garment
  • Supplements
  • Nutrition Advice

Pack 2: 3 x Visits (over 6 Weeks)
  • Consultation and assessment
  • Series of Cosmetic Weight loss Injections
  • Massage of the treated areas or Cellulite wrap
  • Compression garment
  • Supplements
  • Nutrition Advice

Single session:
A Series of treatments is recommended
  • Consultation and assessment
  • Cosmetic Weight loss Injections
  • Massage of the treated areas
  • Nutrition Advice

Mini Pack 1: 6 x Visits
  • Consultation and assessment
  • Universal Body Wraps
  • Massage of the treated areas
  • Supplements
  • Nutrition Advice

Mini Pack 2: 3 x Visits
  • Consultation and assessment
  • Cellulite Body Wraps
  • Supplements

Mini Pack 3: 3 x Visits
  • Consultation
  • Universal Body Wraps or Cellulite Wraps